It is more than a driving manual. Much, Much More! Driving accidents are the leading cause of teenage death followed closely by alcohol, drug abuse and other risky behaviors. Unecessary teenage deaths occur in every community. There is an answer to a high percentage of these risky behaviors, and that is to educate young people about hazardous behavior. Teenagers are much more receptive and willing to study to meet whatever requirements are needed to obtain their drivers license. Tools to educate young people about hazardous behaviors are most effective when used as a pre-requesite to obtaining a drivers license. This new textbook, titled "Driver Training Accident Prevention Manual" has just been published. The title is purposefully deceptive, because it is more - much more - than a driver training manual. The book concentrates on five hazardous thoughts we all exhibit. It teaches the reader about these hazardous thoughts; how to recognize them, and most importantly, the antidotes to these common dangerous behaviors. The techniques used in the book have been extemely successful in preventing hazardous thoughts and actions when used in flight training for more than 25 years. The textbook requires about 2 – 3 hours to read and complete the included exercises. It is an excellent tool as a stand-alone resource, but is even more effective if supported by classroom time and driver education. Classroom time required is aproximately three or four periods to teach, describe, emphasize and talk about. During actual driver training, teachers need to only mention the lessons learned while performing driving lessons. The book is available as an e-book ((Kindle, Nook, Ipad, PC, etc) for $3.95 or soon (next week) in soft cover from, Barnes & Nobel, and other suppliers for $8.95 (less school discount.) Please take the brief time to read this important text, and consider promoting driver education in your school. It will save lives. If you are a pilot, buy it for your kids and for yourself. It will affect the way you fly as well as how you drive.
Product Code: DRII4